Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back in business

Some CPR and a shock with the defibrillator and we're back in business. Not without some scars though (power LED refuses to work although it flickers every now and then). I'm confident that all I have is a loose connection or two and that should be easily fixable.

What's of interest now though is that I still have the LED strip from the keyboard backlight. Once everything is secure I'm wondering if it could be incorporated into some form of case lighting....hmmmmm.

To whet your appetite for pictures, here's a crappy iPhone shot of the unit in use (writing this post actually), running off battery (so keyboard and trackpad are not on top. Once I extend the battery cables that big black thing will shift down and fits almost perfectly above the motherboard. As an added bonus, it also shields the trackpad from RF interference from the wifi/bluetooth module.

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